Recording: Let's stop blaming our users for getting hacked when it is our problem to solve

Scott Brady
Scott Brady

This year, I had the pleasure of (virtually) speaking at NDC Oslo. While it would have been great to present at the Oslo Spectrum, I still got the chance to talk about my recent work with FIDO2 and WebAuthn, which resulted in the creation of FIDO2 for ASP.NET.

If you want to learn more about how user authentication works on the web and how I think FIDO2 is going to be the solution to many of our issues, then check out my talk below.

If you want to learn more about FIDO2, check out some of my other FIDO articles.

You can find a copy of the slides on Speaker Deck.

Talk Description

Users cannot secure your web applications through password choice alone. You cannot blame them for this; it is not their problem to solve. It is ours, as security professionals, identity professionals, and software developers.

Typical 2FA implementations such as TOTP and push notification have had some success, but they can be frustrating to use and are still vulnerable to basic phishing techniques. OWASP and NIST are now recommending FIDO2, which offers a realistic solution in the form of frictionless, possession-based authentication that has inbuilt anti-phishing techniques. But what does FIDO2 look like to a developer, and how does it actually work?

In this talk, I’m going to look at:

  • why common 2FA mechanisms aren’t up to scratch
  • how to phish your friends using Evilginx
  • spooky biometrics
  • how to use WebAuthn and FIDO2 to protect your users